This vibrant, fantasy journey is accompanied by the magical Venezuelan fusion music arranged and played live by nine Venezuelan-origin musicians and six talented singers with a video backdrop of scenes of this beautiful country.
The Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston (IHCH) is a non-profit organization founded in 1965 by a group of professionals living in Houston that joined together to preserve and disseminate the richness of Hispanic culture, values, and civic interests with the community of Houston, TX. IHCH serves the Hispanic community, providing different educational and networking activities in collaboration with local universities, the Texas Commission of the Arts, Houston Arts Alliance, the Miller Outdoor Theater, and other private organizations and sponsors. The main priorities of IHCH are education and preserving Hispanic culture and values. As such, the Institute’s committees organize activities and events to raise funds for our scholarship program.
All performances at Miller Outdoor Theatre are free.
This is a ticketed event for the covered seating area. Free tickets are available (4 per person over age 16 while they last) at the Miller Outdoor Theatre box office the day of the performance between the hours of 10:30 AM-1:00 PM. If tickets remain at 1:00 PM, the box office will re-open one hour before show time to distribute the remaining tickets.
As always, open seating on the hill.
The show goes on rain or shine.
Produced by The Institute of Hispanic Culture